Our Mission

The Roseburg Senior Center is an independent, community-supported nonprofit, owned and operated by its members, to provide Roseburg area seniors with a safe, affordable place to improve their quality of life.

Rosebug Senior Center
Rosebug Senior Center

Our Vision

The Roseburg Senior Center envisions healthy, active, independent seniors who have opportunities to continue learning, connect with resources have fun, support each other, socialize and celebrate life.

Board of Directors

Board Officers

Steve Lewis


Nancy Forrest


Angie Peterman


Board Members

Steve Lewis

Connie Hayes

Susan Stillwell

Aaron Goin

Nancy Forrest

Christy Winston

Mack Clark

Louise Piazza

James Hogue

Paul Wikstrom

Cherie Nichols



RSC-OpeningThe Roseburg Senior Center was started in 1965 by John Gray and officially incorporated on May 13, 1965. Our first location was 327 SE Jackson where we were open to anyone 50 years or older.

In June 1972, we moved to The Women’s Club at 747 Mosher St. and on March 8, 1979, moved again to 621 W. Madrone. We were housed in that Douglas County-owned building for over 35 years but always longed for a place of our own. When the former location of Chin’s Restaurant, 1614 SE Stephens Street, became available, we moved to that space on December 15, 2014, and began working toward its purchase.

And what a move it was! Our “home” for all those years consisted of 3,500 square feet and we were now taking on the responsibility for a building with 22,000 square feet of space. We have room for us now and into the future, plus potential to develop more of the building to better serve people in our community of all ages!

We celebrated our 50th Anniversary of serving area seniors with a Grand Opening on May 16, 2015. We have ambitious plans to upgrade many areas of our building to make it the brightest, most welcoming, versatile and fun place for those 50 and better to gather and enjoy food, friendship and activities together.

Current and Past Presidents

Current: Steve Lewis
Tim Rogers
RSC Carmen-Miller
Carmen Miller
Ruth Smith
RSC Dale-Roark
Dale Roark
Roseburg Senior Center
Dee West-Feigle
Linda Belding-Sheridan
RSC MonaLee-Wilson
MonaLee Wilson
Roseburg Senior Center
Arnold Gates
RSC Linda-Cornett
Linda Cornett
RSC Tom-Weathers
Tom Weathers
Roseburg Senior Center
Art Bonauety

Most Photos by Ron Elliot